Rachel Roddy’s recipe for ‘light’ parmigiana | A kitchen in Rome (2024)

Yet again, I have chosen the hottest day of the year so far to make a parmigiana. Vincenzo, who only occasionally summons up relatives to make points about cooking, reminds me that his Sicilian grandmother Sara used to fry or bake early in the day during summer, so that by 9am, 10am at the latest, the oven was pretty much off for the day. It is 3pm, and I could probably cook on one of the car bonnets on the street outside; certainly on one of the shop shutters. I roll my eyes and tell him to go and make lace.

I am reminded that parmigiana-making shares much with lasagne-making: it takes twice as long as you imagine, uses more pots and plates than seem necessary, and makes more mess than reasonable. Mess that is then forgiven and forgotten once you have cleaned up and before you is the deep, heavy and contained joy that is a slatted-blind bake of aubergine, rich tomato sauce, cheese, more cheese and basil.

Having already written about the velvety delight that is parmigiana made with fried aubergine, this week’s recipe is an alternative: grilled aubergine parmigiana, or what the wonderful La Cucina Italiana refers to as “una parmigiana light, which it describes as carnosa, gustosa e consistente … da non sottovalutare (meaty, tasty, consistent and not to be underestimated). Do not underestimate how long it takes to griddle the aubergine slices – ages! You should feel as if you have been grilling for days (although it is probably only 45 minutes), and don’t rush if you want to cook them properly; that is, cooked through so they’re soft, tasty, deep gold and seared with lines. It is also important to salt the slices on the plate. Don’t rush the sauce, either: allow it to blip, so the end result is rich and thick. Remember, too, to drain the mozzarella in a sieve for a few hours to get rid of the extra liquid. (Or use smoked provola, instead, which is also lovely here.)

The other thing parmigiana shares with lasagne is that it is better after a rest, and better still if that rest is a few hours – half a day even (some go so far as to suggest overnight). This is not just so the new baked form can settle and firm up, but so the flavours settle, too. You can then reheat it gently, or just under the grill, although if, like me, you have decided to embark on a parmigiana at 3pm and bake it at four on the hottest day of the year, come 10pm, a floor tile-sized portion with a side of vinegary salad and the scent of mosquito coil will be as near as possible to perfect.

Parmigiana di melanzane grigliate – parmigiana with grilled aubergine

Serve 4-6

1 small onion, peeled and finely diced
Olive oil
2 x 400g tins
plum tomatoes, milled or mashed with a potato masher, or 800g fresh tomatoes, peeled and crushed
At least 20 basil leaves
6 large aubergines

g mozzarella (or provola), drained and cut into thin, shaggy slices
120g grated parmesan

Make the sauce. In a deep pan, fry the onion very gently in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, until translucent and soft, then add the tomatoes and a few basil leaves, and simmer for 20 minutes, until rich and thick.

Top and tail the aubergines, then cut them lengthways into 5mm-to 7mm-thick slices. Get an iron griddle pan hot and, working in batches, grill the aubergines first on one side, then the other, until cooked through and dark gold – each side will take about four minutes, so settle in. When ready, lay on a large plate and sprinkle with salt.

Spread a little tomato sauce in the bottom of a roughly 30cm x 20cm ovenproof dish, then cover with a layer of aubergine, overlapping the slices slightly. Cover with this with another thin layer of sauce, using the back of a spoon to spread it out, then top with mozzarella (or provola), some parmesan and a few basil leaves. Make another layer of aubergine, and repeat the layers until all the ingredients are used up.

Bake in the middle of the oven heated to 180C (160C fan)/350F/gas 4 for 25 minutes, then remove and leave to rest for at least an hour before serving.

Rachel Roddy’s recipe for ‘light’ parmigiana | A kitchen in Rome (2024)


What does Alla Parmigiana mean? ›

The dish is claimed by both Campania and Sicily. While "parmigiana" means "from Parma" (in Northern Italy), the dish is not part of Parma food. It is based on melanzane alla parmigiana (alt. parmigiana di melanzane) or eggplant parmigiana (or eggplant Parmesan), a classic Southern Italian dish.

What is melanzane in Italy? ›

Melanzane, or eggplant, is a staple of Southern Italian cooking. Eggplant has a fascinating history of culinary and medicinal use.

What is parmigiana in Italy? ›

Parmigiana, known as Parmigiana di Melanzane or Melanzane alla Parmigiana, is a classic Italian dish made with thinly sliced, floured and fried eggplant layered with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in the oven. Parmigiana made with a filling of eggplant is the earliest and still unique Italian version.

Is there a difference between Parmesan and parmigiana? ›

Parmesan Cheese in Italy

In the European Union, “parmesan” is accepted as a translation of Parmigiano-Reggiano. Within these countries, the two terms refer to the same cheese.

What is chicken parmesan called in Italy? ›

Chicken parmesan or chicken parmigiana (Italian: pollo alla parmigiana) is a dish that consists of breaded chicken breast covered in tomato sauce and mozzarella, Parmesan, or provolone cheese.

What protein goes well with eggplant? ›

Here are some popular meat choices that pair well with eggplant:
  • Ground beef or lamb: Perfect for dishes like moussaka or stuffed eggplant.
  • Chicken or turkey: Great options for stir-fries or baked eggplant casseroles.
  • Diced pork or bacon: Adds a smoky and savory taste to your eggplant dish.
Feb 20, 2024

Is parmigiana a main dish? ›

In the United States and Canada, chicken parmesan and veal parmigiana are frequently served as a main course, often with a side of pasta. Chicken parmigiana is also served as the filling of a submarine sandwich.

What's the difference between eggplant parmigiana and chicken parmigiana? ›

Italian food is often served in big portions, and eggplant can become soggy from soaking up all the moisture. Chicken parmesan is filled with protein and very filling on the stomach compared to eggplant. If you are looking for a meal that will leave you full, chicken parmesan is the best option.

What wine goes with eggplant parmigiana? ›

Barbera, a red wine from the Piedmont region of Italy, is a great match for Eggplant Parmigiana. This wine is known for its high acidity, which can cut through the richness of the dish, and its robust fruit flavors, which can stand up to the hearty eggplant and tomato sauce.

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