Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer | Isaacs & Isaacs (2024)

Begin Your Case With a Proven Truck Accident Law Firm

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer | Isaacs & Isaacs (1)You could pursue compensation from a truck driver who hit you and their fleet owner or manager if they were on duty at the time of the accident. Our experienced Indiana truck accident lawyer will handle every detail of your truck accident claim from beginning to end.

Our knowledgeable truck accident attorneys will investigate the accident, gather evidence, and review your medical documents, ensuring we have all the facts for maximum compensation. Plus, we work on contingency, which means you don’t have to worry about affording legal representation.

We charge no upfront fees for our legal services and only take payment if we secure monetary compensation on your behalf. Call us at800-333-9999 at any time to speak to one of our dedicated Indiana truck accident lawyers and set up a free consultation.

We Represent Injured Accident Victims Across Many Categories. Some Personal Injury Cases We Handle Include:

  • Accidents With Trucks or Commercial Vehicles
  • Injuries & Wrongful Death Involving Driver Negligence (cell phone use, DUI)
  • Accidents With Uninsured Motorists
  • Whiplash Injury Accidents
  • Airbag Deployment Accidents
  • Takata Air Bag Recalls
  • Motorcycle Accident Injuries
  • Ridesharing: Lyft & Uber Accidents
  • Bicycle Accident Injuries
  • Hit and Run Accidents
  • Pedestrians Hit By a Vehicle
  • Head-On Collisions
  • Rear-End Collisions
  • Spinal Cord Injuries

Sometimes an auto accident injury is not evident until much later. Even if you haven’t suffered a catastrophic injury you still may need medical treatment. You should seek medical care immediately, even if you don’t think you are badly hurt. Some severe injuries may not be immediately apparent. This is the best way to physically and legally protect yourself and your loved ones.

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer | Isaacs & Isaacs (2)

Get a FREE Case Review by Calling The Hammer Now.

Available 24/7, Call 800-333-9999or send us your case details

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer | Isaacs & Isaacs (4)

Get a FREE Case Review by Calling The Hammer Now.

We’re available 24-7.

Call 800-333-9999

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"It was a pleasure to have the Isaacs & Isaacs team to help me after being hit by a truck as I was walking to the market. They went above and beyond to help with all I went through!"

- Joe Ann S

Getting the Legal Perspective on Car Accidents – Audio Interview

Car accident lawyer Darryl Isaacs — The Hammer — sat down to address legal and safety considerations when injured from a car crash in a recent radio episode of “Ask The Hammer,” the podcast exploring the legal matters that matter most. There are many elements at play when knowing what to do after a car accident. Listen to the episode directly below.

Truck Collisions Can Be Caused by Multiple Factors

According totruck accident statistics, speeding is the leading factor for driver-related fatal trucking crashes. However, most collisions were caused by more than one factor.

For example, truck driversunder 21present a higher risk of accidents due to inexperience. However, employers are responsible for offering proper training and safe working conditions to all employees. A lawyer can help identify all the at-fault parties in a trucking accident.

Moreover, in light of recent Indiana bus stop accidents, all motorists are advised to pay special attention toschool bus safetymeasures.

Despite the progress intruck accident prevention, trucking collisions still lead to high fatalities. A compassionate lawyer can help the surviving loved ones seek justice and claim damages for their loss.

Our Accident Law Firm Will Get Started on Your Case Immediately By:

  • Listening to your story
  • Answering your questions
  • Advising you what to do next
  • Investigating the accident scene and all other evidence related to your claim
  • Reviewing medical records, police reports, and all documents
  • Determining which parties are liable for your injury
  • Meeting with insurance adjusters
  • Helping you file your claim
  • Demanding a just settlement for all of your medical treatment and damages

Indiana Truck Accident Causes

The risks of commercial vehicle operator fatigue are well known. Commercial drivers often face long hours behind the wheel, with little rest between shifts. This is especially true during peak driving times like the holiday season. In addition, many trucking companies require drivers to be on-call 24/7, meaning that drivers must remain ready to respond to any emergency calls.

Truck accidents occur when semi-trailer trucks collide with other vehicles or pedestrians. These collisions can occur due to mechanical failure, driver error, or road conditions. The most common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Overtaking too close to another vehicle:Overtaking requires maneuvering around an obstacle, such as a car, pedestrian, or vehicle. If the truck driver fails to yield the right of way, they may cause a collision.
  • Failure to yield right-of-way:Failure to yield right-of-way occurs when a semi-operator fails to provide enough space for other vehicles to safely pass. This includes failing to stop for traffic lights or signs, passing through a red light, or turning left into opposing lanes of traffic.
  • Driving without proper licenses:Drivers operating commercial vehicles need special licenses to operate them. A license is required to drive a tractor-trailer, but not a passenger car.
  • Improperly maintained equipment:Trucks are complex machines that rely on numerous parts working together properly. When one component malfunctions, it can affect the entire truck. For example, a faulty air compressor can lead to engine problems.
  • Inadequate training:Many truck operators receive minimal training before being allowed to operate a large commercial vehicle. Some truckers lack even this basic level of knowledge.
  • Driver distraction:Commercial drivers spend much of their day focused on the road ahead. They may use cell phones, listen to music, read maps, or eat while driving. Distracted driving can increase the risk of a crash.
  • Poor weather conditions:Heavy rain, snow, sleet, ice, fog, or darkness can make it difficult for drivers to see obstacles or other vehicles. Plus, roadways can become slick from heavy rains, snow, or melting ice. Slick roads are dangerous to drivers who fail to slow down or brake quickly enough.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs:Alcohol and drug impairment can impair judgment and reaction time. It also makes it harder to control a vehicle.
  • Faulty brakes:Brakes are critical components of a truck’s safety system. Without properly functioning brakes, a truck could roll over if it encounters a problem.
  • Faulty steering:Steering systems in trucks are designed to handle extreme forces. However, these systems can malfunction, causing the wheels to lock up or steer erratically.
  • Improper lane change:Lane changes are dangerous because they involve changing lanes at high speeds. Even minor mistakes can result in serious crashes.
  • Unsafe loading practices:Loading cargo improperly can damage a truck’s load bed. Cargo can shift inside the big rig, which can cause it to tip over.
  • Speeding:Speeding increases the likelihood of a crash by increasing the distance between the truck and other vehicles.

Other causes of commercial vehicle accidents can include poorly designed or maintained highways and streets. Therefore, if a natural hazard exists in the design of a road or highway, the government entity is liable for accidents that occur there.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation if you have suffered severe injuries due to a truck accident. We will review your situation and explain your rights under the law.

How Our Legal Team Can Help

Our legal team has over 400 years of combined experience. We know how to handle truck accident cases and want to help you. We can:

  • Investigate your accident claim:We’ll interview witnesses and review police reports to determine who was at fault. We’ll also gather evidence, including pictures, videos, and witness statements.
  • File a lawsuit:You only have two years to file your claim, so you must act fast. We’ll investigate the facts of your case and prepare your legal documents.
  • Negotiate a settlement:Insurance companies and trucking companies often try to avoid paying out large payments. We can examine insurance policies and negotiate a fair settlement with insurance adjusters without trial.
  • Work with medical experts and accident reconstruction specialists:Medical experts are needed to evaluate your injuries and provide expert testimony about what happened during the crash. An accident reconstructionist can analyze the scene and determine which party was at fault.
  • Protect the evidence:We will locate the truck involved in the collision and obtain a court order to prevent it from being touched until our experts have completed a thorough examination. We will also seek a court order to prevent the destruction of the truck driver’s log and other critical evidence.
  • Handle all the paperwork for your claim or wrongful death lawsuit:We’ll ensure everything gets filed correctly and appropriately processed.
  • Represent you in a trial:Trials can be expensive and stressful. We’re here to help you navigate this process.
  • Keep you updated on the progress of your case:We’ll keep you informed throughout the entire process.
  • Get back on your feet:Your recovery depends on your health after the accident. We’ll ensure you receive prompt treatment and follow up with doctors as necessary.

We also have Spanish-speaking attorneys and paralegals. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer | Isaacs & Isaacs (6)

Get a FREE Case Review by Calling The Hammer Now.

Available 24/7, Call 800-333-9999or send us your case details

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer | Isaacs & Isaacs (8)

Get a FREE Case Review by Calling The Hammer Now.

We’re available 24-7.

Call 800-333-9999

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Build Your Case With A Top Rated Accident Lawyer

If you need immediate assistance with a vehicle accident or personal injury, call our team now at800-333-9999to begin your free case review and schedule an initial consultation to get legal advice. Our law firm represents injured victims across many categories. Some popular cases our accident attorneys handle include:

  • Big Truck and Commercial Vehicle Accidents
  • Car Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Bus Accidents
  • Pedestrian Accidents
  • Product Liability Cases

Types of Truck Accidents

As stated above, truck accidents can be caused by driver error, truck malfunction, poor truck maintenance, or a combination of these factors. Due to their sheer size, various accident types can occur, including:

  • No-zone accidents
  • Rollover accidents
  • Rear-end collisions
  • T-Bone or side-impact collisions
  • Rollover accidents
  • Head-on collisions

These are just some examples of the many types of truck accidents that can happen. The kind of accident depends on several factors, such as:

  • Whether the truck was traveling in a straight line
  • When the collision occurred
  • How fast the truck was going, and where the truck was headed

We’ve Won Millions for Truck Accident Victims

Our in-house team has decades of experience using proven litigation strategies to protect your rights and help you win financial compensation to address your injuries and reassemble your life.

Here is a sample list of our law firm’scase victories:

  • $2.525 million for a victim of a rear-end tanker truck accident that resulted in a broken back, two broken legs, and several broken ribs from the collision
  • $3.65 million for a truck accident that led to atraumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • $1.25 million for an accident due to a truck driver who failed to yield the right of way
  • $1.325 million for a victim who was rear-ended by a semi-truck
  • $1.274 million for a fatal semi-truck accident
  • $2.7 million for a fatal accident in which a tractor’s wheels crossed over the centerline of a two-lane road
  • $2.7 million for an accident involving a commercial pickup truck driver who ran a red light
  • $1.1 million for a dump truck accident
  • $3.5 million for a woman struck head-on by aconcrete truckwhen it began to slide into her lane of travel on a curved road
  • $1.125 million for a truck accident that resulted in a fractured leg, requiring surgery and installation of plates and screws
  • $3.5 million for a truck accident resulting in head trauma
  • $3.65 million for an accident involving a semi-truck that was backing up on a highway
  • $1.1 million for a dump truck accident that crushed every bone in a woman’s foot
  • $2.252 million for an accident in which a semi-truck rear-ended a vehicle, forcing it into another semi-truck
  • $1.3 million for a fatal accident involving a large rental truck
  • $1.37 million for a fatal accident in which a truck’s cargo crushed a vehicle

Damages You Can Seek After an Indiana Truck Accident

Your potential compensation depends on the severity of your injuries and how they affect your life. Truck accident injuries can be extensive. Your immediate medical bills could easily reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your ongoing healthcare needs could cost even more.

You deserve fair compensation to help with your recovery. Additionalcompensatory damagesmay also apply. You can pursue awards for:

  • Permanent disability related to your body or mind
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Medical expenses, including emergency room care, surgeries, medication, doctor’s visits, rehabilitative therapy, in-home aid, and medical equipment
  • Lost wages if you took time off work to heal
  • Lost bonuses, benefits, and paid leave from your time off work
  • Reduced earning capacity if you can’t return to work or earn the same income you did before your accident
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Property damage including vehicle or equipment repair
  • Loss of quality of life or enjoyment of life if a disability prevents you from engaging in hobbies and regular activities

We can calculate your damages to ensure you’re awarded what you deserve.

Wrongful Death Damages

You could file awrongful deathclaim or lawsuit if you lost a loved one to a truck accident in Indiana. While no amount of compensation can replace them, you and your family do not deserve to suffer financial strife while grieving. A settlement or verdict can help you cope in their absence.

We can pursue awards for:

  • Funeral costs, including burial or cremation services
  • Loss of inheritance for your loved one’s income
  • Your loved one’s medical bills
  • Your loved one’s pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium for your loved one’s companionship
  • Your lost wages if you took time off work to care for them

Don’t Let Trucking Companies Get Away Without Paying for What They’ve Done

Unnecessary fatigue, a lapse in judgment, or a lack of concentration behind the wheel can change your life in the blink of an eye. If you’re reading this, chances are it has already happened.

There are numerous ways for truck drivers to fail in their duties to protect others. Sideswipes. Rear-ends. Blindspot collisions. Rollovers. Jackknifes. Whatever form a trucking accident takes, the result is the same: a life-changing trauma that turns your entire world upside down.

Each scenario puts road users at risk of serious injury, disability, or death. However, injured individuals and families can only receive compensation if they can prove that a trucking company or truck driver was at fault for the accident.

Trucking companies will act quickly to protect their interests. You must act soon as well.

You Only Have Two Years to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Indiana

You do not have an unlimited amount of time to take legal action. If negotiations with insurers fail, you will want the chance to hold a liable party responsible through a civil suit.

According toIndiana Code § 34-11-2-4, you generally have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit. This deadline starts counting down from the date of the accident.

If you miss the deadline, you may see the court dismiss your case. Do not let a negligent truck driver get away with causing your injuries. Act quickly and secure your right to compensation. We can begin working on your case immediately.

The Truth Is, Trucking Companies Will Use Indiana Law Against You

Courts in Indiana must evaluate the actions of all parties involved in an accident and assign blame accordingly, according to Indiana law. Truckers may argue that an injured person’s violation of traffic laws or inattention contributed to the accident.

If a court accepts this argument, the injured person’s compensation must be reduced by their percentage of fault. Any recovery by the Plaintiff is barred. If less than 51% of the fault in the crash is assigned to the Plaintiff, the percentage of the Plaintiff’s recovery is reduced.

An Indianapolis truck accident lawyer can take the lead in proving that the collision was caused solely by the truck driver’s poor decisions.

Having an attorney on your side who understands how to hold trucking companies accountable and has a track record of success isn’t just important; it has the potential to change your life.

Work with an Indiana Accident Attorney from our Firm

You don’t have to handle your case alone; you have a right to let a lawyer handle it while you rest and recover.can handle your case on a contingency-fee-basis. We only take our fee if we win compensation on your behalf.

Call us for your free consultation. We can discuss your case and explain what our Indiana truck accident lawyers can do for you.

To learn more about working with our Indiana lawyers, call 1-800-333-9999 for your no-cost truck accident case review.


As an expert and enthusiast, I can provide information on various topics, including truck accidents and related legal matters. I have access to a wide range of sources and can provide insights based on the information available. Please note that while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it's always a good idea to consult with a legal professional for specific legal advice.

Truck Accident Law Firm and Compensation

If you have been involved in a truck accident and are seeking compensation, it is advisable to consult with a proven truck accident law firm. These firms specialize in handling truck accident claims and can assist you in pursuing compensation from the truck driver and their fleet owner or manager if they were on duty at the time of the accident.

Experienced truck accident lawyers will handle every detail of your claim, including investigating the accident, gathering evidence, and reviewing your medical documents to ensure all the facts are available for maximum compensation. They typically work on a contingency basis, meaning you don't have to worry about upfront legal fees. Payment is only required if they secure monetary compensation on your behalf.

Types of Personal Injury Cases Handled by Truck Accident Lawyers

Truck accident law firms handle a wide range of personal injury cases. Some of the common types of cases they handle include:

  • Accidents with trucks or commercial vehicles
  • Injuries and wrongful death involving driver negligence (such as cell phone use or driving under the influence)
  • Accidents with uninsured motorists
  • Whiplash injury accidents
  • Airbag deployment accidents
  • Takata airbag recalls
  • Motorcycle accident injuries
  • Ridesharing (Lyft and Uber) accidents
  • Bicycle accident injuries
  • Hit and run accidents
  • Pedestrians hit by a vehicle
  • Head-on collisions
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Spinal cord injuries

It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and truck accident law firms can handle other types of personal injury cases as well.

Seeking Medical Care After a Truck Accident

In the aftermath of a truck accident, it is crucial to seek medical care, even if you don't think you are badly hurt. Some severe injuries may not be immediately apparent, and seeking medical attention promptly can help protect your health and legal rights. Even if you haven't suffered a catastrophic injury, you may still need medical treatment. It is recommended to seek medical care immediately to physically and legally protect yourself and your loved ones.

Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can be caused by various factors, including:

  1. Overtaking too close to another vehicle: When a truck driver fails to yield the right of way, they may cause a collision by overtaking too closely to another vehicle.
  2. Failure to yield right-of-way: This occurs when a truck driver fails to provide enough space for other vehicles to safely pass, such as failing to stop for traffic lights or signs or turning left into opposing lanes of traffic.
  3. Driving without proper licenses: Drivers operating commercial vehicles need special licenses to operate them. A license is required to drive a tractor-trailer, but not a passenger car.
  4. Improperly maintained equipment: Trucks rely on numerous parts working together properly, and when one component malfunctions, it can affect the entire truck. For example, a faulty air compressor can lead to engine problems.
  5. Inadequate training: Some truck operators receive minimal training before being allowed to operate a large commercial vehicle, which can contribute to accidents.
  6. Driver distraction: Commercial drivers may engage in distracted driving behaviors, such as using cell phones, listening to music, reading maps, or eating while driving, which can increase the risk of a crash.
  7. Poor weather conditions: Heavy rain, snow, sleet, ice, fog, or darkness can make it difficult for drivers to see obstacles or other vehicles, increasing the risk of accidents.
  8. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs: Alcohol and drug impairment can impair judgment, reaction time, and vehicle control.
  9. Faulty brakes: Properly functioning brakes are critical for a truck's safety. Malfunctioning brakes can lead to accidents, including rollovers.
  10. Faulty steering: Steering systems in trucks can malfunction, causing the wheels to lock up or steer erratically.
  11. Improper lane change: Unsafe lane changes, especially at high speeds, can result in serious crashes.
  12. Unsafe loading practices: Improperly loaded cargo can cause a truck to tip over or shift, leading to accidents.
  13. Speeding: Excessive speeding increases the likelihood of a crash and reduces the time available for the driver to react to potential hazards.
  14. Other factors: Other factors, such as poorly designed or maintained highways and streets, can also contribute to truck accidents.

It's important to note that truck accidents can be caused by a combination of factors, and each case should be evaluated individually to determine liability.

How a Truck Accident Law Firm Can Help

A truck accident law firm can provide comprehensive assistance throughout the legal process. They can:

  • Investigate your accident claim by interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports, and gathering evidence, including pictures, videos, and witness statements.
  • File a lawsuit within the applicable time limits.
  • Negotiate a settlement with insurance companies and trucking companies to ensure fair compensation without going to trial.
  • Work with medical experts and accident reconstruction specialists to evaluate your injuries and determine fault.
  • Protect the evidence by obtaining court orders to prevent tampering or destruction.
  • Handle all the paperwork for your claim or wrongful death lawsuit.
  • Represent you in a trial if necessary.
  • Keep you updated on the progress of your case.
  • Assist with your recovery by ensuring you receive prompt treatment and follow-up care.

It's important to consult with a truck accident law firm to understand how they can specifically help with your case.

Compensation and Damages in Truck Accident Cases

The potential compensation in a truck accident case depends on the severity of your injuries and how they impact your life. Some damages that can be sought in truck accident cases include:

  • Medical expenses, including emergency room care, surgeries, medication, doctor's visits, rehabilitative therapy, in-home aid, and medical equipment.
  • Lost wages if you took time off work to heal.
  • Lost bonuses, benefits, and paid leave from your time off work.
  • Reduced earning capacity if you can't return to work or earn the same income as before the accident.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Scarring and disfigurement.
  • Property damage, including vehicle or equipment repair.
  • Loss of quality of life or enjoyment of life if a disability prevents you from engaging in hobbies and regular activities.

In the case of wrongful death, additional damages may apply, such as funeral costs, loss of inheritance, and loss of consortium.

It's important to consult with a truck accident law firm to understand the specific damages you may be entitled to based on your case.

Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Lawsuits in Indiana

In Indiana, there is a statute of limitations for filing personal injury lawsuits. Generally, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. Missing this deadline may result in the dismissal of your case. It's crucial to act promptly and secure your right to compensation. Consulting with a truck accident law firm can help ensure you meet the necessary deadlines.


Truck accidents can have severe consequences, and seeking legal assistance from a proven truck accident law firm is crucial for pursuing compensation. These firms have the expertise to handle truck accident cases, investigate the accident, gather evidence, negotiate settlements, and represent you in court if necessary. If you have been involved in a truck accident, it's important to seek medical care immediately, protect your legal rights, and consult with a truck accident law firm to understand your options for pursuing compensation.

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer | Isaacs & Isaacs (2024)
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